The ‘Magic’ of Energy Healing by Joseph Drumheller

The ‘Magic’ of Energy Healing



I’ve been working in the world of energy healing for decades.  Over the years, I get inquires like the one I recently received.  It went something like this:


“I have been getting energy healings from lots of people in the past, but what struck me was that your website offered something unique compared to others, i.e. ‘permanent results’.  I hope it is true, and if so, please confirm so that I can start sessions with you.  I’m much in need of a miracle.”


I responded:


“Thanks for you inquiry.  I have 25 years experience as an energy healer and spent six of those years working in a cancer radiation clinic.  Clients I have worked with who have experienced ‘permanent results’ are people who are deeply committed to their own healing process and education in self-awareness.  In short, they are open to doing what ever it takes to improve the quality of their lives.  This is a critical and necessary component to healing.


joeblog1“Why?  Because I do not do the healing.  I only facilitate a process to help people access the deeper parts of themselves to do their own healing.  Although miracles can and do happen, there are generally no quick fixes or magical cures.  Healing tends to be gradational, through the effort of reaching deep inside yourself.  I can assist you in that process.


“So if you want to work with me, think it over.  I am focused on results but only if you’re willing to put in the work.  Thanks so much for contacting me.”


Like so many of us, my friend above sees energy healing as something shrouded in a magical cloak of mystery.  I think that happens because we don’t fully understand it yet.  But we’re getting there.  As we forge ahead and come to a deeper understanding of our energetic natures, we’ll begin to understand the ‘miraculous’ in a different light.  We’ll see miracles as a natural part of being human (homework and all).




Joseph Drumheller is an award winning author and energy healer from Washington State.  He’s conducted over 2,000 sessions since 1991 and worked six years in a cancer radiation clinic, honing his craft as a healer.

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