April – Refresh #1

“We could not step twice into the same river; for other waters are ever flowing.”


Start where you are.

Use what you have.

Do what you can.

Arthur Ashe

Spring has sprung!

 In North America the natural world is beginning the cycle of life… again!

We are always at the beginning of the rest of our lives.

We are always given a fresh start. Every single day is that day! In fact every moment is THAT moment when we can choose to be refreshed.

What does it mean to be refreshed?

Refresh means to invigorate, animate, renew, exhilarate, to replenish, to stimulate to revive, to restore strength and animation.

Doesn’t that sound just lovely?

We know what to do when our computer browser or web page stalls out or seems to get stuck: we click on the refresh button, there’s a pause, and then poof! A new beginning!

Spring times reminds us that we can do that in our lives too- begin again.

We can choose to be REFRESHED.

Refreshed Practice #1 Part 1:

For the next two weeks you are going to practice being refreshed by practicing the art of refreshing your day each and every hour.

 Each hour pause briefly, close your eyes and say the following prayer to “click the refresh button.”


Dear God/Spirit please refresh me.

Through out the day use any or all of the following affirmations to remind yourself that you can be refreshed any time and anywhere.


  • I am willing to be renewed.
  • I am willing to be revived.
  • I am willing to be strengthened and replenished.
  • I am refreshed and invigorated.
  • I am willing to be animated.

 Refresh Practice #1 Part 2:

 For the next two weeks you will practice being refreshed by giving yourself “time outs,” twice a day.

Ideally mid-morning and mid-afternoon take five to ten minutes to cease all task-oriented activity, your “have to’s” and do something, or nothing, that refreshes you- feed your soul!

Spend that “time out” to meditate, listen to music, go for a short walk, rock in a rocking chair, pray, read a daily reflections book or some other spiritual material, dance, sing, skip, whistle, journal, weed the garden, hug your kids, pet the cat, play fetch with the dog, pick some flowers, or stare at the sky!

Oh, and don’t forget to breathe and enjoy yourself!

Bonus Practice Continues:

Continue the practice of Radically Self-Loving mirror work. Say the following while looking into your own eyes in a mirror.

  • I love you ________ (say your own name.)
  • I appreciate you.
  • I am so proud of you.
  • You’re doing good work.
  • Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Remember, you are Radical Self-Love, a Child of God.  You are always in the right place at the right time.

Do you know what time it is?

It’s time for you to practice Radical Self-Love, because you are the love you’ve been looking for!

Thank you!

I love you!

Until next time, peace and blessings! Carol

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