Possibility – February #1

In the midst of winter, I finally learned that there was in me an invincible summer.” 

-Albert Camus


To me there is something thrilling and exalting in the thought that we are drifting forward into a splendid mystery- into something that no mortal eye has yet seen, no intelligence has yet declared.”

-Edwin Hubbell Chapin





Happy Winter! 


In North American this is the fourth season of the year. It is, depending on your view, the beginning or the ending of the cycle of life, death and rebirth- POSSIBILITY!

Spring, new life, is a promise that is ripe on the lips of your word of POSSIBILITY!


POSSIBILITY… Breathe that word in… ah.


Possibility means the power of happening, being or existing; a future prospect or potential; capability of existing or happening or being true.



In the empty space of a new moment, all things are possible in God/Spirit.

All things are available to you, because you are capable of choosing who you are being. You are capable of being open to NEW POSSIBILITY!


New, means never before. Within you are the seeds of something new, something that is possible.

One doorway to POSSIBILITY is being open and available to serendipity.

Serendipity means finding something valuable or delightful when you are not looking for it; beneficial, happy, chance event; fortunate and pleasant surprise. 

Remember there is a thing called Spiritual Law. One of the greatest allies you have in creating a life that you love is the Law of Focus.

The Law of Focus is that whatever you focus on in life grows bigger. When your focus is on being open and available, amazing things show up as if by chance!

Remember we always choose who we are being, and how we will use the power of our attention and focus.


Possibility Practice #1 Part 1:  


For the next two weeks you are going to practice being open and available to possibility by being open and available to serendipity. You are going to practice being available to “what’s good and fortunate.” You will be open to the “glad surprise.”

Miracles are your birthright Child of God!

Throughout your day, any time you find yourself waiting, at the traffic light, the store, your local Starbucks, instead of playing on your phone, take a moment to regenerate and refocus who you are being. Take several deep breaths, close your eyes if possible and repeat the following silently or aloud several times.

I am open

I am available to serendipity.

 I am open to the unexpected miracles.

I am open to all things being possible in God/Spirit in me.

Pause. Close your eyes if possible, and listen and feel for what’s possible, then say thank you out loud or silently until you feel a sense of peace come over you.

Possibility Practice #1 Part 2

First thing each morning (as in before you get out of bed) take time to connect with God/Spirit by praying two simple prayers.

Please direct my thinking today. Help me to see the possibilities within me.

Please help me to remember to remember that I am always connected to you and that I can access the miracle of new possibility any time.

Then set the following intentions.

  • I am open

  • I am available to serendipity

  • I am available and open to miracles.

You are Radical Self-Love, a Child of God You are always in the right place at the right time.

Do you know what time it is?

It’s time for you to practice Radical Self-Love, because you are the love you’ve been looking for!

Thank you!

I love you! 

Until next time, peace and blessings! Carol



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