March – Hope #1

“Every area of trouble gives out a ray of hope, and the one unchangeable certainty is that nothing is certain or unchangeable.”

-John F. Kennedy

“If our hopes are being disappointed just now, it means that they are being purified.”

-A Course in Miracles.

I hope I have a good day.

I hope it doesn’t snow again.

I hope that my team wins.

I hope I get that new job.

I hope this new diet works.

But do you really? Are you in fact practicing hope?

Let’s look at what hope really means.

Hope means to desire with expectation of fulfillment. It is a feeling of trust and reliance. It is an optimistic attitude of mind that is based on an expectation of a positive outcome.

So in fact, hope is more than just wanting or wishing for something, it is actually a desire accompanied by a positive expectation.

It is trust and reliance. It is an optimistic attitude of mind. It is the attitude of trusting that there is an optimal outcome in any circumstance.

To practice hope is to embrace the certainty of uncertainty.

To practice hope is to believe that God/Spirit’s timing can be trusted. Thus, at times hope means practicing patience as well as trust.

Purification of hope sometimes looks like a disappointment, or setback. In truth these seeming disappointments or setbacks are a necessary part of your development. They are blessing in disguise.

When you practice hope you know that no matter what it may look like, the best is yet to come.

Practicing hope means you have a desire to grow and an expectation that you are getting the exact lessons you need, exactly when you need them. Thus when you practice hope, you can find the good in all circumstances and thereby embrace the certainty of uncertainty with trust.

Hope Practice #1 Part 1:

For the next two weeks you are going to practice being hopeful by being open, and available to the spontaneous good that can comes through trusting and embracing the certainty of uncertainty.

Remember that we always find what we are looking for, what we expect. When we practice being hopeful, having a positive expectation, trusting and embrace rather than fight uncertainty, miracles of goodness and spontaneous fun can come from the most unexpected places.

Create several copies of each of the following affirmations on post it notes or small note papers. These are love notes to your self.

Place them in unexpected places around your house, in your car etc. Hide some in your purse or wallet or under your pillow. Get creative, such that you will find them at uncertain, unpredictable times. When you find one, say it out loud, and then acknowledge the unexpected good by saying “thank you God/Spirit.” Also give several copies to friends and ask them to randomly give or send them to you.

I am open.

I am available to spontaneous good.

I am willing to recognize and embrace unexpected good.

I am open to miracles.

I am always in the right place at the right time.

I am trusting and relying upon God/Spirit’s.

 Additionally, any time some unexpected good comes your way, acknowledge it by saying “thank you God/Spirit,” out loud or silently.

Make a list of the unexpected good that come your way in the next two weeks and post it where you will see it.

Hope Practice #1 Part 2:

First thing each morning (as in before you get out of bed) take time to connect with God/Spirit by praying two simple prayers.

Please direct my thinking today.

Please help me to recognize and experience the good in others, myself and in life. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

I am going to ask you to set your intentions in a little different manner this week. Please go look in a mirror, look yourself in the eyes and set the following intentions out loud while looking in your own eyes.

  • I am open.
  • I am available to the certainty of spontaneous good.
  • I am hopeful.

Bonus Practice:

 Once you set your intention say the following out loud while looking in your own eyes.

  • I love you ________ (say your own name.)
  • I appreciate you.
  • I am so proud of you.
  • You’re doing good work.
  • Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Remember, you are Radical Self-Love, a Child of God.  You are always in the right place at the right time.

Do you know what time it is?

It’s time for you to practice Radical Self-Love, because you are the love you’ve been looking for!

Thank you!

I love you!

Until next time, peace and blessings! Carol

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