March – Hope #2

“There was never a night or a problem that could defeat sunrise or hope.”  -Bernard Williams

Sometimes things fall apart so better things can fall together.” –Marilyn Monroe

“Without the “We” there is no me.” -Motorcycle Doug

One of my favorite acronyms for hope is:




Experience.  Yes!

When I share myself with another and then listen and relate to how another person feels I am no longer alone. I can experience compassion for them and myself. Additionally since I am giving them attention, love, and compassion, I automatically receive those and the resulting gift of hope.

The law of giving and receiving and the law of multiplicity always work. Whenever you give, you receive, not just in kind but in an amplified way. Hope is the amplification of giving love.  Hope is a direct demonstration of the reality of your oneness with the all good.

Our underlying reality is oneness. We are one with God/Spirit and one with our brothers and sisters. We are one with everyone and everything. When our experience tells us that we are separate it is easy to forget to practice hope.

In truth we can never be separated. But because the Law of Mind in Action is “It is done unto you as you believe,” you can create an experience of separation. We need others to help us to remember to remember our oneness.

We were never meant to do this life in isolation. Did you ever notice that there are a whole lot of other people besides you on the planet?

My mentor Charles used to say to me, “Carol, it’s not hard to do it alone, It’s impossible, so stop trying!”

I am saying to you right now, it’s not hard to do it alone; it’s impossible, so stop trying!

Self-sufficiency is insufficient. 

God/Spirit sufficiency is sufficient.

We are God/Spirit’s hands and feet for one another. We are the messengers of hope, connection and reliance upon God/Spirit.

The Love within us is the same Love within all.

With the “We” we can begin to see! We can see with fresh eyes, that God/Spirit is everywhere. God/Spirit is always caring for us. We have excellent reason to hope! We are never alone and help is always available.

My experience is consistent with the following idea, God/Spirit doesn’t help those who help themselves, God/Spirit helps those who ask.

When I ask, help comes, usually in the form of a conversation with a friend or advisor, that alters my attitude. My hope is rekindled.

Remember hope is to desire with expectation of fulfillment. It is a feeling of trust and reliance. It is an optimistic attitude of mind that is based on an expectation of a positive outcome.

We hold the high watch for each other with our sharing, caring love. We are the purveyors of hope with our sharing, and with our loving compassion.

 Hope Practice #2 Part 1:

For the next two weeks you are going to practice being hopeful by practicing asking for help and by looking for demonstrations of oneness through being trusting, connected, and compassionate.

 When you ask for help and tap into the power of “We,” you experience yourself as connected, you can remember that you are not alone, and that all things are working together for your good no matter what it looks like.

Through out the day use the following prayer and affirmations.


Dear God/Spirit please help me. Help me to connect to the power of your love and unity.


I am trusting.

I am connected.

I am willing to ask for and receive divine assistance.

I am compassionate with others and myself.

For the next two weeks, as you continue to ask for help, look for demonstrations of hope fulfilled.

Look for:

  • Moments when you ask God/Spirit for help, and you suddenly “feel” better or calmer or peaceful.
  • Moments when you ask God/Spirit for help, and you have a sudden new idea or different view of a situation.
  • Moments when you ask God/Spirit for help, and someone shows up or something occurs that was unexpectedly helpful.

When any of these occur, write them in your journal or on post-it notes where you will see them. Also use a prayer of acknowledgment and gratitude by saying “thank you God/Spirit,” out loud or silently. Remember, that what you focus on grows. Focus on gratitude and you will attract things for which to be grateful. Remember that thank you is an amplifier!

Hope Practice #2 Part 2:

First thing each morning (as in before you get out of bed) take time to connect with God/Spirit by praying two simple prayers.

Please help me today.

Please help me to see my oneness with you and all. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

I am going to ask you to set your intentions in the mirror again. Please go look in a mirror, look yourself in the eyes and set the following intentions out loud while looking in your own eyes.

  • I am joyously connected to all.
  • I am grateful to give and receive demonstrations of hope.
  • I am optimistic and fulfilled.

Bonus Practice Continues:

Once you set your intention say the following out loud while looking in your own eyes.

  • I love you ________ (say your own name.)
  • I appreciate you.
  • I am so proud of you.
  • You’re doing good work.
  • Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Remember, you are Radical Self-Love, a Child of God.  You are always in the right place at the right time.

Do you know what time it is?

It’s time for you to practice Radical Self-Love, because you are the love you’ve been looking for!

Thank you!

I love you!

Until next time, peace and blessings! Carol

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